Well the year is turning over and the weather is back to normal at least for today. I hope this is a good sign for our Country as well. Will be interesting to see the outcome of the Iowa Cacaus on tuesday. Of course that will not solve the long term problems ofr a disfunctional Congress
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
our hope for the future
""I want the full portrait of evolution and the people who came up with the ideas to be presented. It's a worldview and it's godless. Atheism has been tried in various societies, and they've been pretty criminal domestically and internationally. The Soviet Union, Cuba, the Nazis, China today: they don't respect human rights...Columbine, remember that? They were believers in evolution. That's evidence right there.""
—NH state Rep. Jerry Bergevin, on his bill requiring schools to include evolution scientists' positions on atheism
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Although I vote for Ron Paul as a protest against the Machine and I am worried abgout his racist history he brings up some good ideas, We need to stop pretending we have the solutions to the worlds issues
Bomb Crater Sky | ||
by Lam Thi My Da | ||
They say that you, a road builder Had such love for our country You rushed out and waved your torch To call the bombs down on yourself And save the road for the troops As my unit passed on that worn road The bomb crater reminded us of your story Your grave is radiant with bright-colored stones Piled high with love for you, a young girl As I looked in the bomb crater where you died The rain water became a patch of sky Our country is kind Water from the sky washes pain away Now you lie down deep in the earth As the sky lay down in that earthen crater At night your soul sheds light Like the dazzling stars Did your soft white skin Become a bank of white clouds? By day I pass under a sun-flooded sky And it is your sky And that anxious, wakeful disc Is it the sun, or is it your heart Lighting my way As I walk down the long road? The name of the road is your name Your death is a young girl's patch of blue sky My soul is lit by your life And my friends, who never saw you Each has a different image of your face |
Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas And New years
Merry Christmas and may your Deity bless.
hug your children and kiss your spouse.
Toast your family and your friends,
cast away your cares and enjoy the moment ,
while it lasts. Soon it will be another year
and its going to be really rough.
hug your children and kiss your spouse.
Toast your family and your friends,
cast away your cares and enjoy the moment ,
while it lasts. Soon it will be another year
and its going to be really rough.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Back yard farming because we have to
Had to go over the river and across the hills to grand mothers house this weekend . here are pics from the trip
this summer I noted and commented on the trend in the neighborhood of more back yard vegetable gardens. here is a nice article from tree hugger on the same issue.
this summer I noted and commented on the trend in the neighborhood of more back yard vegetable gardens. here is a nice article from tree hugger on the same issue.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
we're Number # 3
Bozeman ranked 3rd in Winter livability, I'd probably argue the part about blocking the drive ways with Snow . Usually ten minutes after I finish shoveling the snowplows block the driveway again.
Bozeman is the third best city in the United States to live in during the winter, according to a list compiled byLivability.com.
The No. 1 city was Anchorage, Alaska, followed by Fargo, N.D.
Livability.com, a website that ranks small to mid-sized communities across America, identified the “Top 10 Winter Cities.”
The website reviewed cities that have an average January temperature below freezing and then chose the best ones based on criteria such as whether they have lots of cold weather-dependent things to see and do, plenty of affordable housing and low unemployment rates.
Bozeman got high marks for recreational opportunities and snow clearing.
“Bozeman averages more than 90 inches of snow each year, which means there’s plenty of white stuff for snowboarding, snowmobiling, cross-country and Nordic skiing,” the article states. “And when the rest of the country is celebrating the arrival of spring, Bozeman area ski resorts are still packing powder.”
The writer notes that Bridger Bowl Ski Area will host theNCAA Men’s and Women’s Skiing Championships in March, and that Bozeman is home to the nation’s premier ice-climbing destination at Hyalite Canyon.
Bozeman’s winter roads attracted praise from Winter Cities Institute CEO Patrick Coleman.
Coleman said Bozeman “makes a good effort to enhance winter living.” He commended Bozeman’s Public Works Department for using“the friendly snowplow.”
Bozeman city crews use motor graders – machines that look like oversized tractors – to get around parked cars and avoid plowing-in driveways.
“This device does much to minimize resident frustration resulting from large snow berms planted in cleared driveways by the plows,” Coleman says in the article. “Bozeman is also concerned about maintaining bike routes and bike lanes in the winter.”
Livability.com lists the average January low in Bozeman at 14 degrees, median home price at $201,869 and an unemployment rate of 6.5 percent.
So how did the flat, wind-chilled city of Fargo beat Bozeman?
Fargo is lauded for its welcoming spirit, cultural amenities, and most notably, the lowest unemployment rate in the nation, at 3.3 percent, according to the article.
Bozeman is the third best city in the United States to live in during the winter, according to a list compiled byLivability.com.
The No. 1 city was Anchorage, Alaska, followed by Fargo, N.D.
Livability.com, a website that ranks small to mid-sized communities across America, identified the “Top 10 Winter Cities.”
The website reviewed cities that have an average January temperature below freezing and then chose the best ones based on criteria such as whether they have lots of cold weather-dependent things to see and do, plenty of affordable housing and low unemployment rates.
Bozeman got high marks for recreational opportunities and snow clearing.
“Bozeman averages more than 90 inches of snow each year, which means there’s plenty of white stuff for snowboarding, snowmobiling, cross-country and Nordic skiing,” the article states. “And when the rest of the country is celebrating the arrival of spring, Bozeman area ski resorts are still packing powder.”
The writer notes that Bridger Bowl Ski Area will host theNCAA Men’s and Women’s Skiing Championships in March, and that Bozeman is home to the nation’s premier ice-climbing destination at Hyalite Canyon.
Bozeman’s winter roads attracted praise from Winter Cities Institute CEO Patrick Coleman.
Coleman said Bozeman “makes a good effort to enhance winter living.” He commended Bozeman’s Public Works Department for using“the friendly snowplow.”
Bozeman city crews use motor graders – machines that look like oversized tractors – to get around parked cars and avoid plowing-in driveways.
“This device does much to minimize resident frustration resulting from large snow berms planted in cleared driveways by the plows,” Coleman says in the article. “Bozeman is also concerned about maintaining bike routes and bike lanes in the winter.”
Livability.com lists the average January low in Bozeman at 14 degrees, median home price at $201,869 and an unemployment rate of 6.5 percent.
So how did the flat, wind-chilled city of Fargo beat Bozeman?
Fargo is lauded for its welcoming spirit, cultural amenities, and most notably, the lowest unemployment rate in the nation, at 3.3 percent, according to the article.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
So Many things To Be Angry About
As 2011 winds down, there is so much frustration ( at least on my part ) about what could have been done in the world, in this country if we'd have had the will to step up.
Obama has disappointed us, Congress has failed us, We the American people have lacked the will to demand that our government actually take some responsible actions and begin to solve our economic train wreck. Then how ever I look at the trauma that the rest of the world has gone through and I feel pretty lucky.
Obama has disappointed us, Congress has failed us, We the American people have lacked the will to demand that our government actually take some responsible actions and begin to solve our economic train wreck. Then how ever I look at the trauma that the rest of the world has gone through and I feel pretty lucky.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Does the GOP want to win the White House
bI Am an rgistered independent and have not voted Republican since Bush the Elders first term and after watching last nights debate I find it hard to consider any of the current crop of candidates. I would hold my nose and vote for Romney or Paul if the situation rose. But these guys all act like they've had four drinks and can't keep their train of thought. Do we want these guys sitting in the captians chair ?
Thursday, December 8, 2011
those few of you who follow this blog know my views are fairly liberal, and there are a few things Ron Paul and I don't see eye to eye on, deregulating the Fed, the enmvironment and Relegion the most obvious. But he may be what Washington. A man honest enough and crazy enough to kick Congress and the Military Industrial complex in the ass.

If there were ever an imperfect candidate for public office – it’s Ron Paul.
He’s not made for TV, he doesn’t play well with others and many of his positions fly in the face of views held by vast majorities of Americans (not to mention vast majorities of Republican primary voters). Not only that, there’s his frequently kooky persona – a rambling stream of consciousness that frequently fumbles around (or altogether ignores) some of the most compelling arguments that could be made on his behalf.
Truth be told, during the incessant, indistinguishable stream of recent Republican presidential debates, we often found ourselves cringing at some of Paul’s more off-the-wall comments. Not necessarily because what he said has been wrong, mind you … but because we could feel the air of electability seeping out of his candidacy with each offbeat syllable he uttered.
But that’s sort of the point, isn’t it? Ron Paul has never been about getting elected – he’s been about getting at the damn truth. And at 76 years of age, we can hardly blame the Texas obstetrician for letting it all hang out.
In fact America needs him to let it all hang out.
Actually, we need him and several hundred more like him up in Washington, D.C. … all of them unapologetically letting it all hang out.
For example, were it not for Paul’s relentless push to audit the Federal Reserve, America would have never known about the $16 trillion in emergency loans that our nation’s central bank doled out to financial institutions around the globe during the peak of the economic recession (and the rampant conflicts of interest associated with those loans).
Indeed, within the “Uncle Fluffy” persona that Paul often slips into on the national stage – high-pitched nasal musings that alternative between goofball and curmudgeon – there exists a true “core of conviction,” a genuine desire to reverse America’s downward trajectory as opposed to merely accumulating personal influence or amassing a small fortune selling books.
When it comes to Ron Paul, concepts like constitutionally-limited government, free markets, individual liberty and fiscal restraint aren’t merely spoken at the moment into a waiting bank of cameras – they have been given repeated, courageous expression by more than three decades of lonely, unpopular votes in the U.S. Congress.
The Tea Party movement? It belongs to Ron Paul – whether those who slap that label on themselves or their candidates of choice ever recognize or acknowledge it.
With the rest of the “Republican” field, these core principles are nothing but rhetorical stepping stones – a series of “here today, gone tomorrow” utterances designed to elevate them, but destined to be discarded the moment they achieve the office to which they aspire.
And yet while these nakedly self-serving, talking point-regurgitating, ideological hypocrites have been embraced by the national media (even the “conservative” press) and presented to GOP voters as candidates worthy of consideration, Ron Paul has been forced to build up his base of support the old-fashioned way – by actually proposing specific limited government policy consistent with his long-held beliefs.
We suppose no prophet is ever accepted in his home country …
Two months ago – while the 2012 “Republicans” tinkered with their gimmicky/ inconsequential tax plans (and the so-called “Supercommittee” in Washington, D.C. argued over how to save $1.2 trillion over the course of the next ten years) – Ron Paul proposed $1 trillion in immediate cuts.
Paul’s plan would balance the federal budget by 2015 – which is five years faster than the most ambitious spending reduction plan put forward by fiscal conservatives in the U.S. Congress (and fifteen years faster than the official GOP spending reduction plan put forward by U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan).
Paul would immediately end the costly American military engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan. He would also immediately reduce the federal workforce by 10 percent and eliminate five cabinet-level departments: Commerce, Education, Energy, HUD, and the Interior (and unlike another Texan in the race, he can remember all five of those agencies). Beyond that, Paul would freeze all entitlement spending, privatize numerous government agencies and make participation in Social Security voluntary.
In other words, not only would Paul provide immediate savings – he would chart an infinitely more responsible course for our nation moving forward by implementing long-term spending and entitlement reforms. Those reforms are just what the doctor ordered for a soaring American deficit and an ailing American economy – and yet sadly none of the “electable” candidate has even come close to offering such a vision.
Of course that begs the question: Can Ron Paul win?
Obviously he was a sideshow in 2008, and he could very well be one again in 2012. Then again he’s currently running neck-and-neck with Mitt Romney for second place in Iowa – trailing Newt Gingrich by twelve points – and he’s currently in third place in New Hampshire. That’s better than anyone expected him to do, but it’s probably still not enough to create that elusive “path to victory” that the pundits like to write about.
And no … those pundits will never afford him the same “surge” treatment they previously bestowed upon Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Perry or, more recently, Gingrich.
Despite being dissed by the press, Paul polls just as favorably against Obama as the “mainstream” Republican contenders, and polls particularly well among the independent voters who will ultimately determine the outcome of the election.
Given his lack of “electability” within the GOP primary, though, we’ve heard from numerous South Carolina Republican operatives urging us to refrain from endorsing Paul on the grounds that our website might lose some of the credibility it has managed to accumulate.
“You’ll be throwing your endorsement away,” one Palmetto politico told us just this morning.
Maybe so, but we’re nothing if not consistent. And we’d rather continue sleeping soundly at night as opposed to “pulling a Blagojevich.”
Back in February, we offered our initial assessment of the candidates seeking (or mulling a bid for) the GOP nomination. It wasn’t a very uplifting document – except for the section that addressed Paul’s candidacy.
“As far as we can tell, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul is the only pure soul contemplating a bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012,” we wrote. “His record of defending both our tax dollars and our individual liberties is unimpeachable and unparalleled – and if Republicans would only follow his example America might have a fighting chance to reclaim its lost greatness.”
“Paul is hands-down our first choice for the Republican nomination,” we continued – adding that “if that makes us ‘kooks,’ too, so be it.”
Nothing Ron Paul has said or done in the intervening months has given us any reason to doubt the veracity of what we wrote back then – and nothing any of Paul’s rivals have said or done during that time has given us any reason to hope that they might even approach his level of ideological consistency.
That’s why this website is proud to endorse Ron Paul for president in 2012 – for the simple reason that there is no one else seeking the office who can even be remotely trusted to take the corrective action required if this nation is ever to return to its former greatness.
2012 Endorsement: Ron Paul For President
If there were ever an imperfect candidate for public office – it’s Ron Paul.
He’s not made for TV, he doesn’t play well with others and many of his positions fly in the face of views held by vast majorities of Americans (not to mention vast majorities of Republican primary voters). Not only that, there’s his frequently kooky persona – a rambling stream of consciousness that frequently fumbles around (or altogether ignores) some of the most compelling arguments that could be made on his behalf.
Truth be told, during the incessant, indistinguishable stream of recent Republican presidential debates, we often found ourselves cringing at some of Paul’s more off-the-wall comments. Not necessarily because what he said has been wrong, mind you … but because we could feel the air of electability seeping out of his candidacy with each offbeat syllable he uttered.
But that’s sort of the point, isn’t it? Ron Paul has never been about getting elected – he’s been about getting at the damn truth. And at 76 years of age, we can hardly blame the Texas obstetrician for letting it all hang out.
In fact America needs him to let it all hang out.
Actually, we need him and several hundred more like him up in Washington, D.C. … all of them unapologetically letting it all hang out.
For example, were it not for Paul’s relentless push to audit the Federal Reserve, America would have never known about the $16 trillion in emergency loans that our nation’s central bank doled out to financial institutions around the globe during the peak of the economic recession (and the rampant conflicts of interest associated with those loans).
Indeed, within the “Uncle Fluffy” persona that Paul often slips into on the national stage – high-pitched nasal musings that alternative between goofball and curmudgeon – there exists a true “core of conviction,” a genuine desire to reverse America’s downward trajectory as opposed to merely accumulating personal influence or amassing a small fortune selling books.
When it comes to Ron Paul, concepts like constitutionally-limited government, free markets, individual liberty and fiscal restraint aren’t merely spoken at the moment into a waiting bank of cameras – they have been given repeated, courageous expression by more than three decades of lonely, unpopular votes in the U.S. Congress.
The Tea Party movement? It belongs to Ron Paul – whether those who slap that label on themselves or their candidates of choice ever recognize or acknowledge it.
With the rest of the “Republican” field, these core principles are nothing but rhetorical stepping stones – a series of “here today, gone tomorrow” utterances designed to elevate them, but destined to be discarded the moment they achieve the office to which they aspire.
And yet while these nakedly self-serving, talking point-regurgitating, ideological hypocrites have been embraced by the national media (even the “conservative” press) and presented to GOP voters as candidates worthy of consideration, Ron Paul has been forced to build up his base of support the old-fashioned way – by actually proposing specific limited government policy consistent with his long-held beliefs.
We suppose no prophet is ever accepted in his home country …
Two months ago – while the 2012 “Republicans” tinkered with their gimmicky/ inconsequential tax plans (and the so-called “Supercommittee” in Washington, D.C. argued over how to save $1.2 trillion over the course of the next ten years) – Ron Paul proposed $1 trillion in immediate cuts.
Paul’s plan would balance the federal budget by 2015 – which is five years faster than the most ambitious spending reduction plan put forward by fiscal conservatives in the U.S. Congress (and fifteen years faster than the official GOP spending reduction plan put forward by U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan).
Paul would immediately end the costly American military engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan. He would also immediately reduce the federal workforce by 10 percent and eliminate five cabinet-level departments: Commerce, Education, Energy, HUD, and the Interior (and unlike another Texan in the race, he can remember all five of those agencies). Beyond that, Paul would freeze all entitlement spending, privatize numerous government agencies and make participation in Social Security voluntary.
In other words, not only would Paul provide immediate savings – he would chart an infinitely more responsible course for our nation moving forward by implementing long-term spending and entitlement reforms. Those reforms are just what the doctor ordered for a soaring American deficit and an ailing American economy – and yet sadly none of the “electable” candidate has even come close to offering such a vision.
Of course that begs the question: Can Ron Paul win?
Obviously he was a sideshow in 2008, and he could very well be one again in 2012. Then again he’s currently running neck-and-neck with Mitt Romney for second place in Iowa – trailing Newt Gingrich by twelve points – and he’s currently in third place in New Hampshire. That’s better than anyone expected him to do, but it’s probably still not enough to create that elusive “path to victory” that the pundits like to write about.
And no … those pundits will never afford him the same “surge” treatment they previously bestowed upon Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Perry or, more recently, Gingrich.
Despite being dissed by the press, Paul polls just as favorably against Obama as the “mainstream” Republican contenders, and polls particularly well among the independent voters who will ultimately determine the outcome of the election.
Given his lack of “electability” within the GOP primary, though, we’ve heard from numerous South Carolina Republican operatives urging us to refrain from endorsing Paul on the grounds that our website might lose some of the credibility it has managed to accumulate.
“You’ll be throwing your endorsement away,” one Palmetto politico told us just this morning.
Maybe so, but we’re nothing if not consistent. And we’d rather continue sleeping soundly at night as opposed to “pulling a Blagojevich.”
Back in February, we offered our initial assessment of the candidates seeking (or mulling a bid for) the GOP nomination. It wasn’t a very uplifting document – except for the section that addressed Paul’s candidacy.
“As far as we can tell, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul is the only pure soul contemplating a bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012,” we wrote. “His record of defending both our tax dollars and our individual liberties is unimpeachable and unparalleled – and if Republicans would only follow his example America might have a fighting chance to reclaim its lost greatness.”
“Paul is hands-down our first choice for the Republican nomination,” we continued – adding that “if that makes us ‘kooks,’ too, so be it.”
Nothing Ron Paul has said or done in the intervening months has given us any reason to doubt the veracity of what we wrote back then – and nothing any of Paul’s rivals have said or done during that time has given us any reason to hope that they might even approach his level of ideological consistency.
That’s why this website is proud to endorse Ron Paul for president in 2012 – for the simple reason that there is no one else seeking the office who can even be remotely trusted to take the corrective action required if this nation is ever to return to its former greatness.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
High Country Extremism
This of course goes back to an earlier post about what happens to the crazy poeple when we run out of wilderness to send themto. We had our brush will militias back in the early 70's and of course they've been there through out the last 30 years, but it seems that with the economic turmoil and a leftist , communist, atheist ,muslim in the white house they are ready to be more vocal.
Patriot Games
God told Chuck Baldwin to move to Montana. Specifically, to Kalispell. God did this, according to Baldwin, sometime in the summer of 2010.
For 35 years Baldwin, a fundamentalist Christian, had lived and preached in Pensacola, Florida, railing in a syndicated column in recent years about U.N. gun control conspiracy theories, tyranny-minded globalists and FEMA internment camps.
Baldwin is now one of the leading figures in the Patriot movement, which has grown explosively since the U.S. economic meltdown and election of President Obama in 2008. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups, the number of Patriot groups in the country skyrocketed from 149 in 2008 to 824 in 2010. The SPLC describes such groups as comprised of "people who generally believe that the federal government is an evil entity that is engaged in a secret conspiracy to impose martial law, herd those who resist into concentration camps, and force the United States into a socialistic 'New World Order.'"
Baldwin first aligned himself formally with the Patriot movement when he ran for Vice President on the far-right, anti-government Constitution Party ticket. After that his rhetoric, both from behind the pulpit and in his prolific writings, became increasingly militant and more concerned with gun rights and battling with globalists than with gay rights and the Rapture, previously his favorite topics.
Then in September 2010, Baldwin abruptly announced that he was pulling up stakes and moving to Kalispell along with his grown children and their spouses and homeschooled offspring.
At the time Baldwin and his brood of 17 resettled, unprecedented numbers of white supremacists were migrating to the region to support the Pioneer Little Europe movement, which seeks to establish a whites only homeland in northwest Montana. Baldwin's dire warnings of a looming epic battle between Patriots and "Big-Government globalists" in the U.S. mirrors in key ways longstanding white supremacist predictions of a war against ZOG, or Zionist Occupation Government.
"We believe America is headed for an almost certain cataclysm," Baldwin wrote in a September 2010 column titled, "Why We Are Moving to Montana."
This cataclysm, Baldwin wrote, "...will almost certainly include a fight between Big-Government globalists and freedom-loving, independent-minded patriots. I would even argue that this fight has already started. And as this battle escalates (and it will most assuredly escalate), only those states that are willing to stand and fight for their independence and freedom will survive--at least in a state of freedom. And we believe that God has already put the love of liberty deep into the hearts of the people of the Mountain States; and we further believe that God is already calling (and will continue to call) many other freedom lovers to those states. One thing is for sure: we know He called us!"
Chuck Baldwin, a leader of the right-wing extremist Patriot movement, recently moved to Kalispell. His new ministry includes local white supremacists. |
Baldwin first aligned himself formally with the Patriot movement when he ran for Vice President on the far-right, anti-government Constitution Party ticket. After that his rhetoric, both from behind the pulpit and in his prolific writings, became increasingly militant and more concerned with gun rights and battling with globalists than with gay rights and the Rapture, previously his favorite topics.
Then in September 2010, Baldwin abruptly announced that he was pulling up stakes and moving to Kalispell along with his grown children and their spouses and homeschooled offspring.
At the time Baldwin and his brood of 17 resettled, unprecedented numbers of white supremacists were migrating to the region to support the Pioneer Little Europe movement, which seeks to establish a whites only homeland in northwest Montana. Baldwin's dire warnings of a looming epic battle between Patriots and "Big-Government globalists" in the U.S. mirrors in key ways longstanding white supremacist predictions of a war against ZOG, or Zionist Occupation Government.
"We believe America is headed for an almost certain cataclysm," Baldwin wrote in a September 2010 column titled, "Why We Are Moving to Montana."
This cataclysm, Baldwin wrote, "...will almost certainly include a fight between Big-Government globalists and freedom-loving, independent-minded patriots. I would even argue that this fight has already started. And as this battle escalates (and it will most assuredly escalate), only those states that are willing to stand and fight for their independence and freedom will survive--at least in a state of freedom. And we believe that God has already put the love of liberty deep into the hearts of the people of the Mountain States; and we further believe that God is already calling (and will continue to call) many other freedom lovers to those states. One thing is for sure: we know He called us!"
Baldwin assured his followers that he wasn't moving to Montana for the scenery or the skiing. "We're not going to play games, or play politics; we are not going to 'take it easy,' or 'hide,' or hibernate. We are not going to 'enjoy the climate.' We are going to fight! We are going to work! We are going to help the freedom-minded people of Montana make their stand for liberty! In many ways, the Mountain States just might become The Alamo of the twenty-first century, with, hopefully, much better results. But if not, I would rather die fighting for freedom with liberty-loving patriots by my side than be shuttled off to some FEMA camp after having been rejected and betrayed by soft-living, comfort-seeking, materialistic statists..."
True to his word, within a month of getting situated in Montana in early 2011 Baldwin launched a new ministry, The Liberty Fellowship, which meets weekly at the Kalispell Red Lion Inn. His sermons regularly draw around 200 attendees, including well-known members of the PLE movement. Last month PLE leader April Gaede posted to Stormfront that "PLE Christians" attend The Liberty Fellowship. She'd previously written that Baldwin's sermonizing moved her to tears. The Southern Poverty Law Center reported earlier this week that Baldwin's congregation also includes Kalispell resident and white separatist Randy Weaver, whose 1992 Ruby Ridge standoff with federal agents fueled the rapid growth of the militia movement of the 1990s. (Baldwin did not return two messages seeking comment.)
"Both hardcore white supremacists and anti-government patriots in the Flathead Valley can hardly contain their enthusiasm when talking about Baldwin now living in Montana," says Travis McAdam, executive director of the Montana Human Rights Network and an expert on the region's white supremacist and Patriot groups. "It almost feels like the worshipping of a teen idol. Baldwin is being treated like a savior by people promoting a white homeland and outright war with the federal government."
Like Patriot groups, the PLE movement promotes itself as being rooted in a strict interpretation of U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. The PLE Prospectus, a guiding document for the Kalispell-based movement written by a former Ku Klux Klan organizer, calls for targeting communities that will be attractive to restless whites who are "conscious of their own best interests," whether they are self-declared white supremacists or not. "A PLE is defined as a conscious White community -- initially possessing greatly contrasting views among its residents -- which comes to dominate a geographical area," reads the PLE guide.
White supremacists in the Flathead Valley view the newly arrived Patriots as natural allies. Law enforcement sources, local religious leaders and McAdam of the Montana Human Rights Network say that Patriot group members have attended recent screenings of Holocaust denial films hosted by PLE activists, and that PLE white supremacists have attended recent Patriot events, including presentations by Baldwin's eldest son Timothy.
Timothy Baldwin delivered lectures on state sovereignty in Kalispell and in Ronan, Montana, a small town nearby. Freedom Action Rally and Citizens Acting for Liberty, both Flathead Valley Patriot groups, sponsored the events. Earlier this year Timothy Baldwin ran for the board of trustees of Flathead Valley Community College and received 778 votes, about 20 percent of those cast.
Chuck Baldwin was a featured speaker at a major survivalist gathering held in mid-June in Kalispell by yet another local patriot group, the Flathead Liberty Bell Network, which was founded in 2009 with help from Alaska militia leader Schaeffer Cox, who's currently jailed awaiting trial on charges of plotting to murder judges and Alaska State Troopers.
The "Preparedness Expo" took place inside the Valley Victory Christian Church and eight adjoining acres less than a week after Kalispell militia leader David Earl Burgert engaged in a shootout with sheriff's deputies on a backwoods logging road in Missoula County, which adjoins the Flathead Valley region to the south. Burgert remains at large. "We don't have quite the same problem with [extremist] activity as they do in Kalispell, but sometimes the Kalispell activity spills over," says Missoula County Undersheriff Mike Dominick. "I've dealt with the militias quite a bit in the past, and in terms of what's going on now, I haven't seen anything like it since the early 1990s."
The survivalist expo offered workshops and demonstrations on topics ranging from small unit combat tactics to canning peaches. Other speakers included Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers, a national Patriot group that calls on law enforcement officers and military personnel to disobey orders that they deem unconstitutional, especially when it comes to government confiscation of firearms.
Another speaker was retired Arizona sheriff Richard Mack, a hero to many in the Patriot movement for opposing the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act when he was sheriff of a rural Arizona county in the 1990s. Mack is also the author of From My Cold Dead Hands: Why America Needs Guns, which is popular reading in the Patriot movement.
The top-billed "Special Guest" at the exposition was Randy Weaver.
At least five PLE members appear on videos from the expo. One of them, posting on Stormfront as "White Wolf," declared Weaver's presentation "amazing." Also in attendance was Scott Ernest, a white supremacist from southern Florida who, according to a travelogue he posted to Stormfront, a major white supremacist web forum, took Amtrak to Kalispell in order to visit the Flathead Valley for the first time and meet with Gaede and two other PLE leaders to discuss moving there.
Ernest has since relocated to Kalispell, where, according to his Stormfront posts, he's living in an RV. He's become a huge booster for PLE online, regularly updating his Stormfront thread, which has more than 21,000 views.
"It's paradise here," he gushes in one of more than 400 posts. "I open carry [a handgun] every day. If you can, you should too."
Media Matters extremism reporter David Holthouse can be reached at dholthouse@mediamatters.org
For more on Kalispell from the SPLC, click here.
True to his word, within a month of getting situated in Montana in early 2011 Baldwin launched a new ministry, The Liberty Fellowship, which meets weekly at the Kalispell Red Lion Inn. His sermons regularly draw around 200 attendees, including well-known members of the PLE movement. Last month PLE leader April Gaede posted to Stormfront that "PLE Christians" attend The Liberty Fellowship. She'd previously written that Baldwin's sermonizing moved her to tears. The Southern Poverty Law Center reported earlier this week that Baldwin's congregation also includes Kalispell resident and white separatist Randy Weaver, whose 1992 Ruby Ridge standoff with federal agents fueled the rapid growth of the militia movement of the 1990s. (Baldwin did not return two messages seeking comment.)
"Both hardcore white supremacists and anti-government patriots in the Flathead Valley can hardly contain their enthusiasm when talking about Baldwin now living in Montana," says Travis McAdam, executive director of the Montana Human Rights Network and an expert on the region's white supremacist and Patriot groups. "It almost feels like the worshipping of a teen idol. Baldwin is being treated like a savior by people promoting a white homeland and outright war with the federal government."
Like Patriot groups, the PLE movement promotes itself as being rooted in a strict interpretation of U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. The PLE Prospectus, a guiding document for the Kalispell-based movement written by a former Ku Klux Klan organizer, calls for targeting communities that will be attractive to restless whites who are "conscious of their own best interests," whether they are self-declared white supremacists or not. "A PLE is defined as a conscious White community -- initially possessing greatly contrasting views among its residents -- which comes to dominate a geographical area," reads the PLE guide.
White supremacists in the Flathead Valley view the newly arrived Patriots as natural allies. Law enforcement sources, local religious leaders and McAdam of the Montana Human Rights Network say that Patriot group members have attended recent screenings of Holocaust denial films hosted by PLE activists, and that PLE white supremacists have attended recent Patriot events, including presentations by Baldwin's eldest son Timothy.
Timothy Baldwin delivered lectures on state sovereignty in Kalispell and in Ronan, Montana, a small town nearby. Freedom Action Rally and Citizens Acting for Liberty, both Flathead Valley Patriot groups, sponsored the events. Earlier this year Timothy Baldwin ran for the board of trustees of Flathead Valley Community College and received 778 votes, about 20 percent of those cast.
Chuck Baldwin was a featured speaker at a major survivalist gathering held in mid-June in Kalispell by yet another local patriot group, the Flathead Liberty Bell Network, which was founded in 2009 with help from Alaska militia leader Schaeffer Cox, who's currently jailed awaiting trial on charges of plotting to murder judges and Alaska State Troopers.
The "Preparedness Expo" took place inside the Valley Victory Christian Church and eight adjoining acres less than a week after Kalispell militia leader David Earl Burgert engaged in a shootout with sheriff's deputies on a backwoods logging road in Missoula County, which adjoins the Flathead Valley region to the south. Burgert remains at large. "We don't have quite the same problem with [extremist] activity as they do in Kalispell, but sometimes the Kalispell activity spills over," says Missoula County Undersheriff Mike Dominick. "I've dealt with the militias quite a bit in the past, and in terms of what's going on now, I haven't seen anything like it since the early 1990s."
The survivalist expo offered workshops and demonstrations on topics ranging from small unit combat tactics to canning peaches. Other speakers included Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers, a national Patriot group that calls on law enforcement officers and military personnel to disobey orders that they deem unconstitutional, especially when it comes to government confiscation of firearms.
Another speaker was retired Arizona sheriff Richard Mack, a hero to many in the Patriot movement for opposing the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act when he was sheriff of a rural Arizona county in the 1990s. Mack is also the author of From My Cold Dead Hands: Why America Needs Guns, which is popular reading in the Patriot movement.
The top-billed "Special Guest" at the exposition was Randy Weaver.
At least five PLE members appear on videos from the expo. One of them, posting on Stormfront as "White Wolf," declared Weaver's presentation "amazing." Also in attendance was Scott Ernest, a white supremacist from southern Florida who, according to a travelogue he posted to Stormfront, a major white supremacist web forum, took Amtrak to Kalispell in order to visit the Flathead Valley for the first time and meet with Gaede and two other PLE leaders to discuss moving there.
Ernest has since relocated to Kalispell, where, according to his Stormfront posts, he's living in an RV. He's become a huge booster for PLE online, regularly updating his Stormfront thread, which has more than 21,000 views.
"It's paradise here," he gushes in one of more than 400 posts. "I open carry [a handgun] every day. If you can, you should too."
Media Matters extremism reporter David Holthouse can be reached at dholthouse@mediamatters.org
For more on Kalispell from the SPLC, click here.
Friday, December 2, 2011
time to get rid of Junk Mail
Don't you just hate junk mail !
Reducing junk mail will reduce paper waste and help the environment. Most of the organizations you deal with will sell your name and address. Every year four million tons of junk mail is sent, and about 40 percent is never opened. Although junk mail can often be recycled, it is made from virgin paper. Recycling takes energy and resources and makes its own impact on environment. Reduction rather than recycling is a much better option. Help the environment and reduce the amount of junk mail you get in your mailbox by following these steps. 1. Remove your name and address from most national mailing lists by contacting the Direct Marketing Association's (DMA) Mail Preference Service, P.O. Box 9008, Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008. Your request will be active for three to five years.2. Envelopes with "Address Correction Requested" or "Return Postage Guaranteed" can be returned unopened. Cross out the address and bar code, circle the first-class postage and write "Refused - Return to Sender" on the envelope. The sender will have to pay for the return postage. (Returning bulk mail does no good, because the post office just throws it away.
3. Call your credit card company, and ask them not to sell your name.
4. When you give money to a charity or nonprofit group, enclose a note requesting that the organization not rent, sell or exchange your name and address with anyone else.
5. Have your name removed from nationwide sweepstakes: Publishers Clearinghouse101 Channel Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050. (800) 645-9242, or send e-mail to pch@ant.net. Reader's Digest Readers Digest Road, Pleasantville, NY 10570. (800) 234-9000. American Family Publishers P.O. Box 62000, Tampa, FL 33662. (800) 237-2400.
6. Don't fill out the product-warranty card. They are used to collect information on your habits and income.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Need less, do more
If the trend is true and America is due for a lost decade. AQ decade of little or no economic growth and financial destress fro the middle class, is not the time to re-learn some of those thingss we've forgot.
Growing your own food
Anther great thing I spotted over on the Urban Eden blog see link at right , is teaching Urban kids where thier food comes from
Growing your own food
Anther great thing I spotted over on the Urban Eden blog see link at right , is teaching Urban kids where thier food comes from
Monday, November 28, 2011
Ben Stien on Zombies
Ben is a bit to capitalist pig for me but I agree with his message we need to shake up those Bastards ( male and Female ) in congress , once and for all.
Question is Bastards correct for females ? Bastards seems like a male to me, and if you call some body a S.O. B what do you call a woman you are pissed at ?
Question is Bastards correct for females ? Bastards seems like a male to me, and if you call some body a S.O. B what do you call a woman you are pissed at ?
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Conspicuous Consumption Are we sending the wrong message ?
Conspicuous consumption Are we sending the wrong message ?
After working the retail world yesterday at 6:00 A.m. (being 50 and having a sleep avoiding 2 yr old, kept me from opening the store at midnight ) I wonder about the message we are sending our kids, our Congress and the World. For the last year we've set an example of poor fiscal policy, Protests and anger about the greed of our government , big business and the worlds financial turmoil . Then like a pack of slavering Wolves we tear out and fight to buy expensive non necessities and run up our credit. Yes we are a shining light on the hill.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Impeach Congress
A pox on both their houses , Where did our electorial system go wrong that we have elected fools into all branches of government thjat afraid to make the hard decisions. They are so willing to pass the pain onto the next generation. Raise everybody's taxes for 5 years, cut medicare , social securtity, fix the loop holes. Cut the Military . Lets fix this now. tupid Politics let the clock run out and now they want to avoid the cost
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Nascar fans boo First Lady
So Much for Nascar fans having class
First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden were grand marshals at today’s NASCAR season finale at Homestead-Miami Speedway, appearing as part of their charitable campaign to support military veterans and their families.
But their benign, bipartisan cause wasn’t enough to prevent public fallout from the nation’s polarized political climate as they were introduced before the crowd.
ESPN video from the event documented loud boos from some in the stands as the announcer named Obama and Biden, seconds before they delivered the “most famous words in motorsports,” telling drivers to start their engines.
The pair — who co-chair the Joining Forces initiative — stood beside retired Army Sgt. Andrew Barry and his family. Barry was wounded in action in Iraq and Afghanistan, retired from the military in 2009 and now volunteers at an Orlando veterans center, the announcer said. He received resounding applause.
A source traveling with the first lady downplayed the incident, telling ABC News there was no discernible booing during the “loud chaotic program with jets flying over and tons of noise.”
The Associated Press reported that the two women received a standing ovation at the pre-race meeting with drivers, during which Obama said NASCAR was “amazing in terms of its support, not just today but every day, for military families.”
Before the race, the first lady addressed a barbeque for military families that NASCAR had invited to the event.
“Everyone around the country is focused on you. And this isn’t just an effort today,” she said. “ Jill and I through Joining Forces, we want to make this a part of the dialogue in this country forever. Whether Jill or I are here or not, whether this administration is here or not, this is about the way we want this country to talk about our troops, veterans and military families forever. We want you to feel that appreciation and that gratitude so that you know your sacrifice is not in vain.”
First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden were grand marshals at today’s NASCAR season finale at Homestead-Miami Speedway, appearing as part of their charitable campaign to support military veterans and their families.
But their benign, bipartisan cause wasn’t enough to prevent public fallout from the nation’s polarized political climate as they were introduced before the crowd.
ESPN video from the event documented loud boos from some in the stands as the announcer named Obama and Biden, seconds before they delivered the “most famous words in motorsports,” telling drivers to start their engines.
The pair — who co-chair the Joining Forces initiative — stood beside retired Army Sgt. Andrew Barry and his family. Barry was wounded in action in Iraq and Afghanistan, retired from the military in 2009 and now volunteers at an Orlando veterans center, the announcer said. He received resounding applause.
A source traveling with the first lady downplayed the incident, telling ABC News there was no discernible booing during the “loud chaotic program with jets flying over and tons of noise.”
The Associated Press reported that the two women received a standing ovation at the pre-race meeting with drivers, during which Obama said NASCAR was “amazing in terms of its support, not just today but every day, for military families.”
Before the race, the first lady addressed a barbeque for military families that NASCAR had invited to the event.
“Everyone around the country is focused on you. And this isn’t just an effort today,” she said. “ Jill and I through Joining Forces, we want to make this a part of the dialogue in this country forever. Whether Jill or I are here or not, whether this administration is here or not, this is about the way we want this country to talk about our troops, veterans and military families forever. We want you to feel that appreciation and that gratitude so that you know your sacrifice is not in vain.”
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
talking on cell phones banned in Bozeangeles
A hard law to enforce I imagine it will be quite selective on the part of the officer. If you are driving like an idiot and have your phone to your ear you are going to get a ticket. P.s if you go to the Commical site and read the comments the Radiofreebozeangeles comments are not mine or the Goat family
Bozeman City Commission approves ban on hand-held cell phones while driving
Posted: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 12:15 am | Updated: 9:42 pm, Mon Nov 14, 2011.
Bozeman City Commission approves ban on hand-held cell phones while driving By AMANDA RICKER, Chronicle Staff Writer The Bozeman Daily Chronicle | 49 comments
The Bozeman City Commission voted 4-1 Monday night to adopt an ordinance banning the use of hand-held devices such as cell phones, laptop computers and GPS navigations systems while driving or bicycling.
"Using a cell phone when you're driving is dangerous," Commissioner Carson Taylor said.
"We're going to have to change the way that we do our business and the way that we communicate with others," Deputy Mayor Sean Becker said.
The commission will consider a second, final passage of the ordinance on Nov. 28. Commissioner Chris Mehl stipulated that the law not go into effect any earlier than Jan. 17, so city officials have time to educate people.
Mayor Jeff Krauss cast the lone vote "no."
"I'm voting ‘no' for the same reason I vote ‘yes' on things like individual rights," Krauss said.
Under the ordinance, if you're caught texting or talking on a hand-held cell phone while behind the wheel, you could be pulled over and fined $100. Using a hands-free communications device such as Bluetooth, however, is allowed.
Commissioners on Monday night changed language in the ordinance to exempt drivers on Interstate 90, who may not even realize they're in the city of Bozeman. Plus, highway patrol officers monitoring highways don't enforce each individual city's laws.
Commissioners also edited a section to allow hands-free users to touch their Bluetooth, or other device, so they can answer calls without violating the law.
Bozeman's ordinance is similar to laws in Butte-Silver Bow, Billings, Whitefish and Helena. Missoula has a ban on texting while driving.
Nine states, Washington D.C. and the Virgin Islands prohibit drivers from using hand-held cell phones, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association. No state bans hands-free cell phone use for the general public. Some states ban all cell phone use by novice and school bus drivers.
Sixteen people spoke during the public comment portion of Monday night's commission meeting.
Ann Justin opposed the law.
"I find being with my daughter in the car more distracting than talking on my phone - we're arguing about something," Justin said. "How about if you've got two 5-year-olds in the backseat? ... How about political discussions? ... How about eating a hamburger? There are many things that are more distracting, I think, than talking on the phone. I'm capable of doing that."
Gary Vodehnal, vice chairman of the city's Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee, said he recently witnessed a woman crash into another car while talking on her cell phone. She got out of her car, but stayed on the call until Vodehnal, who was bicycling behind her, approached her and suggested she call police.
"She finally said into her phone, ‘Mom, I'm going to have to call you back. I need to take care of something,'" Vodehnal said.
Passing a "distracted-driving" ordinance "will improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers in our community," he said.
In an email to commissioners Monday, Bozeman resident Kent Madin criticized commissioners for allowing hands-free devices and not banning cell phone use entirely. He said the issue isn't whether both the driver's hands are on the wheel, he said.
"If it was, one-armed people couldn't get driver's licenses, nor could people with arms in slings, etc.," Madin said. "All cell phone use should be banned because of the amount of attention bandwidth the call consumes."
According to the federal Department of Transportation, 5,474 people died and another 448,000 were hurt in crashes involving all forms of distracted driving in 2009.
Using electronic devices while driving is distracting, but it's difficult to track how often using such devices causes crashes.
Sixty-three percent of drivers under age 30 acknowledge using a hand-held phone while behind the wheel, according to the DOT. Thirty percent said they've sent text messages while driving.
"Using a cell phone when you're driving is dangerous," Commissioner Carson Taylor said.
The commission will consider a second, final passage of the ordinance on Nov. 28. Commissioner Chris Mehl stipulated that the law not go into effect any earlier than Jan. 17, so city officials have time to educate people.
Mayor Jeff Krauss cast the lone vote "no."
"I'm voting ‘no' for the same reason I vote ‘yes' on things like individual rights," Krauss said.
Under the ordinance, if you're caught texting or talking on a hand-held cell phone while behind the wheel, you could be pulled over and fined $100. Using a hands-free communications device such as Bluetooth, however, is allowed.
Commissioners on Monday night changed language in the ordinance to exempt drivers on Interstate 90, who may not even realize they're in the city of Bozeman. Plus, highway patrol officers monitoring highways don't enforce each individual city's laws.
Commissioners also edited a section to allow hands-free users to touch their Bluetooth, or other device, so they can answer calls without violating the law.
Bozeman's ordinance is similar to laws in Butte-Silver Bow, Billings, Whitefish and Helena. Missoula has a ban on texting while driving.
Nine states, Washington D.C. and the Virgin Islands prohibit drivers from using hand-held cell phones, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association. No state bans hands-free cell phone use for the general public. Some states ban all cell phone use by novice and school bus drivers.
Sixteen people spoke during the public comment portion of Monday night's commission meeting.
Ann Justin opposed the law.
"I find being with my daughter in the car more distracting than talking on my phone - we're arguing about something," Justin said. "How about if you've got two 5-year-olds in the backseat? ... How about political discussions? ... How about eating a hamburger? There are many things that are more distracting, I think, than talking on the phone. I'm capable of doing that."
Gary Vodehnal, vice chairman of the city's Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee, said he recently witnessed a woman crash into another car while talking on her cell phone. She got out of her car, but stayed on the call until Vodehnal, who was bicycling behind her, approached her and suggested she call police.
"She finally said into her phone, ‘Mom, I'm going to have to call you back. I need to take care of something,'" Vodehnal said.
Passing a "distracted-driving" ordinance "will improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers in our community," he said.
In an email to commissioners Monday, Bozeman resident Kent Madin criticized commissioners for allowing hands-free devices and not banning cell phone use entirely. He said the issue isn't whether both the driver's hands are on the wheel, he said.
"If it was, one-armed people couldn't get driver's licenses, nor could people with arms in slings, etc.," Madin said. "All cell phone use should be banned because of the amount of attention bandwidth the call consumes."
According to the federal Department of Transportation, 5,474 people died and another 448,000 were hurt in crashes involving all forms of distracted driving in 2009.
Using electronic devices while driving is distracting, but it's difficult to track how often using such devices causes crashes.
Sixty-three percent of drivers under age 30 acknowledge using a hand-held phone while behind the wheel, according to the DOT. Thirty percent said they've sent text messages while driving.
Monday, November 14, 2011
The Economy of the 99 %
The Economic Creep
The Anger is evident,
The Frustration as well.
The confusion and fear,
Coupon Clippers,
Discount and Discard Bins.
Yesterdays breads , Butchers specials , meat turned grey.
Children left hungry and Mortgages way past due,
The grocery bills keep rising and the bags get smaller.
Mom and Dad sit up late
staring at bills left un paid.
The Anger is evident,
The Frustration as well.
The confusion and fear,
Coupon Clippers,
Discount and Discard Bins.
Yesterdays breads , Butchers specials , meat turned grey.
Children left hungry and Mortgages way past due,
Mom and Dad sit up late
staring at bills left un paid.

Sunday, November 13, 2011
to serve the people
The one or two of you who read this blog know that Radio Free Bozeangeles is fairly liberal in its views, But when those on the right state something honest and true we will recognize it.
I am a Republican. I'm loyal to the party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. And I believe that my party, in some ways, has strayed from those principles, particularly on the issue of fiscal discipline.
John McCain
Deficits mean future tax increases, pure and simple. Deficit spending should be viewed as a tax on future generations, and politicians who create deficits should be exposed as tax hikers.
Ron Paul
Everyone assumes America must play the leading role in crafting some settlement or compromise between the Israelis and the Palestinians. But Jefferson, Madison, and Washington explicitly warned against involving ourselves in foreign conflicts.
Ron Paul
Another term for preventive war is aggressive war - starting wars because someday somebody might do something to us. That is not part of the American tradition.
Ron Paul
I am a Republican. I'm loyal to the party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. And I believe that my party, in some ways, has strayed from those principles, particularly on the issue of fiscal discipline.
John McCain
Deficits mean future tax increases, pure and simple. Deficit spending should be viewed as a tax on future generations, and politicians who create deficits should be exposed as tax hikers.
Ron Paul
Everyone assumes America must play the leading role in crafting some settlement or compromise between the Israelis and the Palestinians. But Jefferson, Madison, and Washington explicitly warned against involving ourselves in foreign conflicts.
Ron Paul
Another term for preventive war is aggressive war - starting wars because someday somebody might do something to us. That is not part of the American tradition.
Ron Paul
Billings Mt. weathering the economic storm
NPr has a nice piece today on the economic strength of the Billings area. It was obvious to the Goat family on our visit earlier this fall that the place was busy. I'm not sure if the Economy was worth the quality of life .
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Facebook and prehistoric Chickens
amazing the info big brother has on us , Its also makes me wonder about the info Face book has on each of us.
Jack Horner , the big dinosaur guy here at
Montana state university is financing a genetics program to breed a prehistoric chicken.
Jack Horner , the big dinosaur guy here at
Montana state university is financing a genetics program to breed a prehistoric chicken.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Do we trust our Govt ?
Do we have faith in our Govt. to get beyond the politics and bullshit and actually solve our budget problems ?
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Andy Rooney
Well it was sad to hear that Andy passed over. I loved him Mother Goat loathed him . He spoke honestly and it was his opinion wether you liked it our not. He survived D- Day the battle of the bulge and combat reporting in Korea and Vietnam. And he said what he meant till he could not do it any longer.
Andy you will be missed
Andy you will be missed
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Something that Amazes is the lack of political participation in Bozeangeles in particular and the American population in general. There is a common anger at the way the political system works but a general apathy about voting or making our concerns known.
I was very excited when I turned 18 and was able to vote and ever since I make a point of going to the polling place and making my choice known. But a minority of the Bozeangeles population goes to the polls and it is the same on the national level. Our nation in on the edge of the abyss and we must participate in its salvation to not act is to participate in its demise ,
Make yourself known , even if you vote None of the Above
something from the commical for you hipsters
I was very excited when I turned 18 and was able to vote and ever since I make a point of going to the polling place and making my choice known. But a minority of the Bozeangeles population goes to the polls and it is the same on the national level. Our nation in on the edge of the abyss and we must participate in its salvation to not act is to participate in its demise ,
Make yourself known , even if you vote None of the Above
something from the commical for you hipsters
Monday, October 31, 2011
The seasons change ,Darkness and Light do battle, The dead are among us
CNN has a nice post on All Hallows eve and the Pagan and Christian experience . I'm not against the Christian adaption of the holiday or the commercialization but we should admit it
As she and her living guests eat, they'll share stories and memories of loved ones they've lost.
The Christian debate over Halloween
Slaney-Davis, who is based in London, isn't preparing the feast for Halloween. Instead, she and pagans around the world are celebrating Samhain, the beginning of the pagan new year, a night when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is believed to be the thinnest of any time during the year.
That's why it's a night devoted to ancestors. "We honor them, and we recognize that we don't live in a world of people who are merely dead or alive," says Slaney-Davis, 46. "Ancestors are central to us."
Along with the Catholic holiday All Saints' Day, Samhain is considered an ancient forerunner of Halloween. Samhain began as a Celtic celebration marking the end of harvest and the beginning of winter's hardship.
Today, pagans play down the Halloween-Samhain connection. But the growing popularity of the pagan new year in Europe and North America is part of what many experts say is a global revival of paganism.
Slaney-Davis, who trained as a witch and a druid, says her religion has nothing to do with ghosts and ghouls. "To me, being a pagan means being in divine balance with nature and being responsible for my actions," she says. "I understand that my behavior has an effect on people I don't even know exist. It is not a theology of perfection but one of belonging."
Over-the-top jack-o'-lanterns
But it is a theology that's gaining ground. According to the 2008 American Religious Identification Survey, the number of members of "other religions" or "new religious movements," categories that include pagans, more than doubled between 1990 and 2008, to 2.8 million.
The survey, conducted byTrinity College in Connecticut, reported that the numbers of Wiccans and neo-pagans had also doubled in that time.
Contemporary pagan religions like Wicca and druidism are considered neo-pagan movements.
"(Paganism) is one of the fastest growing religions in the world," says Michael York, a retired religious scholar from Bath Spa University in the UK. "True numbers are impossible to come by because many people are wary to admit they are pagan, and reliable statistics just don't exist."
Movies that scare the people who scare us
While paganism covers a range of individual religious groups, including Wicca, druidism, and shamanism, they're bound by some common denominators, such as roots in ancient, pre-Christian beliefs, and their view of nature and the whole physical world as sacred.
"In traditional religions you have a conflict between God and nature," says York. "But for pagans, nature becomes the truest expression of the divine."
That, he says, is a big reason why paganism is seeing a revival: "If nothing else, because of the impending destruction of our environment, and our focus on finding a way to live in balance with nature."
Another key pagan belief is the freedom for each person to determine his or her own way to and view of the divine. "Paganism doesn't put restrictions on what you can and cannot believe," says Jason Pitzl-Waters, co-founder of the Pagan Newswire Collective and the pagan blog The Wild Hunt. "It grows out of an ethos that there isn't just one sacred way to understand the world."
But that lack of dogma has become something of a stumbling block for the movement. "Because paganism is very individual, it creates the problem of not having a unified voice, because nobody speaks for the movement as a whole," says York.
Another problem pagans face is one of image: For centuries, including during the Roman Catholic inquisition, pagans were denounced as heretics and devil-worshippers.
"One of our greatest challenges is to overcome the hostility of groups that still see us as evil," says Pitzl-Waters. "To some conservative Christian groups, we are an early warning sign of societal collapse."
Just last week, an opinion column in The Christian Post, an online newspaper, warned that the "dark festival" of Samhain is an invitation to the devil. The column said that "even though you don't consciously call upon Satan, his demons are nevertheless present any time a Wiccan goes through a spiritual door by using magic." It calls on Wiccans to ask forgiveness for their sins and to turn to Jesus.
"Part of what is scary for conservative religions is that as a pagan, I consider myself part of the divine," says Holli S. Emore, executive director at South Carolina's Cherry Hill Seminary, which has one of the world's first graduate-level programs for pagan ministry. "That means God lives in me, and that is blasphemous to some. To me, it's a big responsibility to do good and act right."
Scholars say that the neo-pagan view of God being everywhere and in everything is not a foreign idea on the global religious stage. "Much of modern paganism looks to older religions like Shinto, Hinduism and indigenous religions, which see spirit in everything," says Jenny Blain, senior lecturer in sociology at Sheffield Hallam University in England and author of several books on paganism.
"If you add all those to modern paganism, that is a considerable part of the world that does not live with traditional Abrahamic views," she says.
There are signs that paganism is gaining some acceptance in the nonpagan world. For the first time last year, the government of Britain recognized druidism, an ancient pagan belief system, as a religion.
"People either see paganism as dangerous or as a joke," says Pitzl-Waters. "But it is a serious global movement. Paganism has arrived as a world religion. It's not just a bunch of counterculture types playing witchcraft games."
That said, traditional witchcraft rituals, like gathering in circles and uttering spells, have an important place in modern paganism, which further unsettles more traditional religious believers.
"Because Christianity is more conservative, anything seen as supernatural or magic automatically becomes of the devil," says York. "Because of that dichotomy, paganism is automatically seen as satanic."
"People fear what they don't understand," says Emore. "But spells are basically prayers with props. What we call magic is the intentional use of power to achieve change, and just like with prayer, what you are doing is tapping into an inner resource. Gathering in a circle and acknowledging the four elements is nothing new – this is something Native Americans and many ancient nature-based religious people did as well."
For neo-pagans, the four elements – earth, air, water and fire – are closely linked to their view of a sacred planet. "The attributes associated with each element become tools in our meditation and in practices such as spells," says Emore. "Water is associated with emotions and intuition, air with intellect and communications, earth with foundation and stability, and fire with passion and action."
To York, paganism's ancient rituals also help bring a sense of enchantment back into life.
"The ancients had a sense of the magical, but with Christianity came a diminishment," he says. "The magical was denied, everything became inanimate, and from a pagan perspective we lost our connection with the sacred. I think we are rediscovering that now."
"Pagans understand there comes a winter, which is a time to ready for rebirth," York says. "For us, the last 2000 years has been the pagan winter."
For growing ranks of pagans, October 31 means a lot more than Halloween
By Susanne Gargiulo, Special to CNN
As pumpkins, witches and faux cobwebs have taken over much of North America for Halloween, Clare Slaney-Davis is preparing an October 31 feast that some would consider much spookier, with table settings for her grandparents, a great-aunt and other relatives who have passed away.As she and her living guests eat, they'll share stories and memories of loved ones they've lost.
The Christian debate over Halloween
Slaney-Davis, who is based in London, isn't preparing the feast for Halloween. Instead, she and pagans around the world are celebrating Samhain, the beginning of the pagan new year, a night when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is believed to be the thinnest of any time during the year.
That's why it's a night devoted to ancestors. "We honor them, and we recognize that we don't live in a world of people who are merely dead or alive," says Slaney-Davis, 46. "Ancestors are central to us."
Along with the Catholic holiday All Saints' Day, Samhain is considered an ancient forerunner of Halloween. Samhain began as a Celtic celebration marking the end of harvest and the beginning of winter's hardship.
Today, pagans play down the Halloween-Samhain connection. But the growing popularity of the pagan new year in Europe and North America is part of what many experts say is a global revival of paganism.
Slaney-Davis, who trained as a witch and a druid, says her religion has nothing to do with ghosts and ghouls. "To me, being a pagan means being in divine balance with nature and being responsible for my actions," she says. "I understand that my behavior has an effect on people I don't even know exist. It is not a theology of perfection but one of belonging."
Over-the-top jack-o'-lanterns
But it is a theology that's gaining ground. According to the 2008 American Religious Identification Survey, the number of members of "other religions" or "new religious movements," categories that include pagans, more than doubled between 1990 and 2008, to 2.8 million.
The survey, conducted byTrinity College in Connecticut, reported that the numbers of Wiccans and neo-pagans had also doubled in that time.
Contemporary pagan religions like Wicca and druidism are considered neo-pagan movements.
"(Paganism) is one of the fastest growing religions in the world," says Michael York, a retired religious scholar from Bath Spa University in the UK. "True numbers are impossible to come by because many people are wary to admit they are pagan, and reliable statistics just don't exist."
Movies that scare the people who scare us
While paganism covers a range of individual religious groups, including Wicca, druidism, and shamanism, they're bound by some common denominators, such as roots in ancient, pre-Christian beliefs, and their view of nature and the whole physical world as sacred.
"In traditional religions you have a conflict between God and nature," says York. "But for pagans, nature becomes the truest expression of the divine."
That, he says, is a big reason why paganism is seeing a revival: "If nothing else, because of the impending destruction of our environment, and our focus on finding a way to live in balance with nature."
Another key pagan belief is the freedom for each person to determine his or her own way to and view of the divine. "Paganism doesn't put restrictions on what you can and cannot believe," says Jason Pitzl-Waters, co-founder of the Pagan Newswire Collective and the pagan blog The Wild Hunt. "It grows out of an ethos that there isn't just one sacred way to understand the world."
But that lack of dogma has become something of a stumbling block for the movement. "Because paganism is very individual, it creates the problem of not having a unified voice, because nobody speaks for the movement as a whole," says York.
Another problem pagans face is one of image: For centuries, including during the Roman Catholic inquisition, pagans were denounced as heretics and devil-worshippers.
"One of our greatest challenges is to overcome the hostility of groups that still see us as evil," says Pitzl-Waters. "To some conservative Christian groups, we are an early warning sign of societal collapse."
Just last week, an opinion column in The Christian Post, an online newspaper, warned that the "dark festival" of Samhain is an invitation to the devil. The column said that "even though you don't consciously call upon Satan, his demons are nevertheless present any time a Wiccan goes through a spiritual door by using magic." It calls on Wiccans to ask forgiveness for their sins and to turn to Jesus.
"Part of what is scary for conservative religions is that as a pagan, I consider myself part of the divine," says Holli S. Emore, executive director at South Carolina's Cherry Hill Seminary, which has one of the world's first graduate-level programs for pagan ministry. "That means God lives in me, and that is blasphemous to some. To me, it's a big responsibility to do good and act right."
Scholars say that the neo-pagan view of God being everywhere and in everything is not a foreign idea on the global religious stage. "Much of modern paganism looks to older religions like Shinto, Hinduism and indigenous religions, which see spirit in everything," says Jenny Blain, senior lecturer in sociology at Sheffield Hallam University in England and author of several books on paganism.
"If you add all those to modern paganism, that is a considerable part of the world that does not live with traditional Abrahamic views," she says.
There are signs that paganism is gaining some acceptance in the nonpagan world. For the first time last year, the government of Britain recognized druidism, an ancient pagan belief system, as a religion.
"People either see paganism as dangerous or as a joke," says Pitzl-Waters. "But it is a serious global movement. Paganism has arrived as a world religion. It's not just a bunch of counterculture types playing witchcraft games."
That said, traditional witchcraft rituals, like gathering in circles and uttering spells, have an important place in modern paganism, which further unsettles more traditional religious believers.
"Because Christianity is more conservative, anything seen as supernatural or magic automatically becomes of the devil," says York. "Because of that dichotomy, paganism is automatically seen as satanic."
"People fear what they don't understand," says Emore. "But spells are basically prayers with props. What we call magic is the intentional use of power to achieve change, and just like with prayer, what you are doing is tapping into an inner resource. Gathering in a circle and acknowledging the four elements is nothing new – this is something Native Americans and many ancient nature-based religious people did as well."
For neo-pagans, the four elements – earth, air, water and fire – are closely linked to their view of a sacred planet. "The attributes associated with each element become tools in our meditation and in practices such as spells," says Emore. "Water is associated with emotions and intuition, air with intellect and communications, earth with foundation and stability, and fire with passion and action."
To York, paganism's ancient rituals also help bring a sense of enchantment back into life.
"The ancients had a sense of the magical, but with Christianity came a diminishment," he says. "The magical was denied, everything became inanimate, and from a pagan perspective we lost our connection with the sacred. I think we are rediscovering that now."
"Pagans understand there comes a winter, which is a time to ready for rebirth," York says. "For us, the last 2000 years has been the pagan winter."
Friday, October 28, 2011
All Hallows eve, Ruining a good Pagan Holiday
I must admit , feeling abandoned by my mother's god, with both her death and the death of one of my elder brothers, I became much more a worshiper of the Earth and the things it offers us ( water, oxygen, food etc ) than the idea of a supreme God offering benevolent guidance from above. If there was one all powerful god above She would have smites us quite a while ago. I am not a particular fan of All Hallows Eve ( Halloween ) as it is in its present form. Our society has turned it into a commercial event. Lets sell something !
But we've done that with all our holidays, (Christmas, Easter, Labor day etc ) And thus we've cheapened them.
Those cultures that have been able to hold on to some sort of culture, Latin America, Mexico , south Louisiana , Ireland , Eastern Europe. Hold onto some appreciation of what All Hallows eve is all about. Appreciation of the changes of the season and remembrances f the ancestors and their influence on us today
Samhain. All Hallows. All Hallow's Eve. Hallow E'en. Halloween. The most magical night of the year. Exactly opposite Beltane on the wheel of the year, Halloween is Beltane's dark twin. A night of glowing jack-o-lanterns, bobbing for apples, tricks or treats, and dressing in costume. A night of ghost stories and seances, tarot card readings and scrying with mirrors. A night of power, when the veil that separates our world from the Otherworld is at its thinnest. A 'spirit night', as they say in Wales.
the wiki bits
Samhain (
The medieval Goidelic festival of Samhain marked the end of the harvest, the end of the "lighter half" of the year and beginning of the "darker half". It was celebrated over the course of several days and had some elements of a Festival of the Dead. Bonfires played a large part in the festivities. People and their livestock would often walk between two bonfires as a cleansing ritual, and the bones of slaughtered livestock were cast into its flames.[4]
click here for Poem about All Hallows eve
All Hallow's Eve is the eve of All Hallow's Day (November 1st). And for once, even popular tradition remembers that the Eve is more important than the Day itself, the traditional celebration focusing on October 31st, beginning at sundown. And this seems only fitting for the great Celtic New Year's festival. Not that the holiday was Celtic only. In fact, it is startling how many ancient and unconnected cultures (the Egyptians and pre-Spanish Mexicans, for example) celebrated this as a festival of the dead. But the majority of our modern traditions can be traced to the British Isles.
The Celts called it Samhain, which means 'summer's end', according to their ancient two-fold division of the year, when summer ran from Beltane to Samhain and winter ran from Samhain to Beltane. (Some modern Covens echo this structure by letting the High Priest 'rule' the Coven beginning on Samhain, with rulership returned to the High Priestess at Beltane.) According to the later four-fold division of the year, Samhain is seen as 'autumn's end' and the beginning of winter. Samhain is pronounced (depending on where you're from) as 'sow-in' (in Ireland), or 'sow-een' (in Wales), or 'sav-en' (in Scotland), or (inevitably) 'sam-hane' (in the U.S., where we don't speak Gaelic).
Not only is Samhain the end of autumn; it is also, more importantly, the end of the old year and the beginning of the new. Celtic New Year's Eve, when the new year begins with the onset of the dark phase of the year, just as the new day begins at sundown. There are many representations of Celtic gods with two faces, and it surely must have been one of them who held sway over Samhain. Like his Greek counterpart Janus, he would straddle the theshold, one face turned toward the past in commemoration of those who died during the last year, and one face gazing hopefully toward the future, mystic eyes attempting to pierce the veil and divine what the coming year holds. These two themes, celebrating the dead and divining the future, are inexorably intertwined in Samhain, as they are likely to be in any New Year's celebration.
As a feast of the dead, it was believed the dead could, if they wished, return to the land of the living for this one night, to celebrate with their family, tribe, or clan. And so the great burial mounds of Ireland (sidh mounds) were opened up, with lighted torches lining the walls, so the dead could find their way. Extra places were set at the table and food set out for any who had died that year. And there are many stories that tell of Irish heroes making raids on the Underworld while the gates of faery stood open, though all must return to their appointed places by cock-crow.
As a feast of divination, this was the night par excellance for peering into the future. The reason for this has to do with the Celtic view of time. In a culture that uses a linear concept of time, like our modern one, New Year's Eve is simply a milestone on a very long road that stretches in a straight line from birth to death. Thus, the New Year's festival is a part of time. The ancient Celtic view of time, however, is cyclical. And in this framework, New Year's Eve represents a point outside of time, when the the natural order of the universe disolves back into primordial chaos, preparatory to re-establishing itself in a new order. Thus, Samhain is a night that exists outside of time and hence it may be used to view any other point in time. At no other holiday is a tarot card reading, crystal reading, or tea-leaf reading so likely to succeed.
The Christian religion, with its emphasis on the 'historical' Christ and his act of redemption 2000 years ago, is forced into a linear view of time, where 'seeing the future' is an illogical proposition. In fact, from the Christian perspective, any attempt to do so is seen as inherently evil. This did not keep the medieval Church from co-opting Samhain's other motif, commemoration of the dead. To the Church, however, it could never be a feast for all the dead, but only the blessed dead, all those hallowed (made holy) by obedience to God - thus, All Hallow's, or Hallowmas, later All Saints and All Souls.
There are so many types of divination that are traditional to Hallowstide, it is possible to mention only a few. Girls were told to place hazel nuts along the front of the firegrate, each one to symbolize one of her suiters. She could then divine her future husband by chanting, 'If you love me, pop and fly; if you hate me, burn and die.' Several methods used the apple, that most popular of Halloween fruits. You should slice an apple through the equator (to reveal the five-pointed star within) and then eat it by candlelight before a mirror.
Your future spouse will then appear over your shoulder. Or, peel an apple, making sure the peeling comes off in one long strand, reciting, 'I pare this apple round and round again; / My sweetheart's name to flourish on the plain: / I fling the unbroken paring o'er my head, / My sweetheart's letter on the ground to read.' Or, you might set a snail to crawl through the ashes of your hearth. The considerate little creature will then spell out the initial letter as it moves.
Perhaps the most famous icon of the holiday is the jack-o-lantern. Various authorities attribute it to either Scottish or Irish origin. However, it seems clear that it was used as a lantern by people who traveled the road this night, the scary face to frighten away spirits or faeries who might otherwise lead one astray. Set on porches and in windows, they cast the same spell of protection over the household. (The American pumpkin seems to have forever superseded the European gourd as the jack-o-lantern of choice.) Bobbing for apples may well represent the remnants of a Pagan 'baptism' rite called a 'seining', according to some writers. The water-filled tub is a latter-day Cauldron of Regeneration, into which the novice's head is immersed. The fact that the participant in this folk game was usually blindfolded with hands tied behind the back also puts one in mind of a traditional Craft initiation ceremony.
The custom of dressing in costume and 'trick-or-treating' is of Celtic origin with survivals particularly strong in Scotland. However, there are some important differences from the modern version. In the first place, the custom was not relegated to children, but was actively indulged in by adults as well. Also, the 'treat' which was required was often one of spirits (the liquid variety). This has recently been revived by college students who go 'trick-or-drinking'. And in ancient times, the roving bands would sing seasonal carols from house to house, making the tradition very similar to Yuletide wassailing. In fact, the custom known as 'caroling', now connected exclusively with mid-winter, was once practiced at all the major holidays. Finally, in Scotland at least, the tradition of dressing in costume consisted almost exclusively of cross-dressing (i.e., men dressing as women, and women as men). It seems as though ancient societies provided an oportunity for people to 'try on' the role of the opposite gender for one night of the year. (Although in Scotland, this is admittedly less dramatic - but more confusing - since men were in the habit of wearing skirt-like kilts anyway. Oh well...)
To Witches, Halloween is one of the four High Holidays, or Greater Sabbats, or cross-quarter days. Because it is the most important holiday of the year, it is sometimes called 'THE Great Sabbat.' It is an ironic fact that the newer, self-created Covens tend to use the older name of the holiday, Samhain, which they have discovered through modern research. While the older hereditary and traditional Covens often use the newer name, Halloween, which has been handed down through oral tradition within their Coven. (This is often holds true for the names of the other holidays, as well. One may often get an indication of a Coven's antiquity by noting what names it uses for the holidays.)
With such an important holiday, Witches often hold two distinct celebrations. First, a large Halloween party for non-Craft friends, often held on the previous weekend. And second, a Coven ritual held on Halloween night itself, late enough so as not to be interrupted by trick-or-treaters. If the rituals are performed properly, there is often the feeling of invisible friends taking part in the rites. Another date which may be utilized in planning celebrations is the actual cross-quarter day, or Old Halloween, or Halloween O.S. (Old Style). This occurs when the sun has reached 15 degrees Scorpio, an astrological 'power point' symbolized by the Eagle. The celebration would begin at sunset. Interestingly, this date (Old Halloween) was also appropriated by the Church as the holiday of Martinmas.
Of all the Witchcraft holidays, Halloween is the only one that still boasts anything near to popular celebration. Even though it is typically relegated to children (and the young-at-heart) and observed as an evening affair only, many of its traditions are firmly rooted in Paganism. Incidentally, some schools have recently attempted to abolish Halloween parties on the grounds that it violates the separation of state and religion. Speaking as a Pagan, I would be saddened by the success of this move, but as a supporter of the concept of religion-free public education, I fear I must concede the point. Nonetheless, it seems only right that there should be one night of the year when our minds are turned toward thoughts of the supernatural. A night when both Pagans and non-Pagans may ponder the mysteries of the Otherworld and its inhabitants. And if you are one of them, may all your jack-o'lanterns burn bright on this All Hallow's Eve.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
More Crime reports from Bozeangeles
- This harps back to one of my earlier posts on how the mountains were a refuge for the crazy people
- A Sample of our Bozeangeles Crime report (For KR )
- Someone scribbled obscenities with a crayon on play equipment on North 24th Avenue at 8:43 a.m.
- Someone may have broken into a West Main Street apartment and written a suspicious message on a board near the door.
- “Andy the pooper man” has left his truck on Olive Street for a week. Birds have picked at the garbage bags in the truck bed and exposed the dog feces.
- A woman told dispatch two men entered her Durston Road apartment and were forcing her to move. It turns out she was actually at the hospital and under medication that caused her to become confused.
- A bear was seen wandering through the alley between Lamme and Davis streets at 7:54 p.m.
- A moose was struck and killed by a man driving on Big Sky Spur Road at 6:40 a.m.
- A Hidden Valley Road woman asked dispatch to have a sergeant look at satellites under her house. She said she is suing people and the U.S. Department of Justice has been involved.
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