Today crossing durston in the yellow defined cross walk , little Goat and I were nearly run over by a big haired 40 year old in a nice new black SUV, yacking away on her cell phone. She obviously had it on speaker phone but was still holding it up near the rear view mirror , either for better reception or checking her make up. Something must be done about cell phones in cars.currently there are no laws prohibiting talking or texting while driving in Montana
Montana: Cell phone laws, legislation

Distracted driving update: The Senate rejected a 2011 bill that would have prohibited use of handheld cell phones and text messaging while driving in Montana. It had been approved twice by the Transportation Committee. Sen. Christine Kaufmann, D-Helena, was the sponsor.
Whitefish’s ban on handheld cell phone use goes into effect Sept. 20. … Helena is crafting a distracted driving law due to the defeat of Kaufmann’s SB 251.
Drivers in Butte are now prohibited from using cell phones and other handheld electronic devices. Ticketing began June 16.
Half of Montana high school students surveyed admitted to text messaging while driving in the past month, the state Office of Public Instruction reports. 53 percent reported using a cell phone while driving. The survey was released in July and conducted in February.
Current prohibitions:
Roughly 90 percent of Americans own cell phones, and it's estimated that 80 percent of drivers use cell phones while driving. That's why, at any given moment, as many as 1.8 million drivers are chatting on a cell phone.
Here are 5 reasons to hang up and drive.
#1: It's Illegal
Talking on a hand-held cell phone is illegal for all drivers in 10 states and Washington, D.C. For novice drivers, cell phone usage while driving is banned in 30 states. Text messaging while driving is banned for all drivers in 34 states.
Cell phone restrictions are primary enforcement in most states, which means drivers can be stopped and ticketed for talking on a cell phone without committing any other infraction.
#2: It's Dangerous
Drivers who talk on cell phones while driving are four times as likely to cause a crash as other drivers. In fact, a study from the University of Utah found that chatty drivers are as dangerous as drunk drivers (.08 percent blood alcohol).
#3: It's Deadly
In 2009, 5,474 Americans were killed in distracted driving-related crashes. Of those, 995 deaths -- 18 percent -- were directly related to cell phone usage.
Despite the dangers, at any given time, 6 percent of all drivers and 10 percent of teens are talking on a cell phone while driving.
#4: It Sets a Bad Example
Teen drivers are dangerous enough without distractions, but too many parents are setting a dangerous precedent for their children. If you think chatting while driving isn't a big deal, think about the day your child gets a driver's license -- would you feel safe if they were chatting and driving at the same time?
#5: It'll Cost You
Even if cell phone usage isn't illegal in your state, talking or texting behind the wheel will eventually cost you. Why? Because distracted driving leads to tickets and accidents.
As stated earlier, drivers on cell phones are four times more likely to cause accidents than other drivers. A speeding ticket or fender bender could send your car insurance premium soaring, especially if your driving record isn't perfect to begin with.