Saturday, June 30, 2012

Vote or be stomped on

Apathy is a great weapon of the oligarch . I don't think not voting is the solution. they are perfectly happy that a minority  votes. They think we are sheep  for harvest.. At the very least when the lesser of two evils is as bad as the greater  write in  a protest candidate. I hate it when a election here in Bozeangeles is held and only 2500 people bother to go to the polls thats how the city rams bond issues down our throats.

Monday, June 25, 2012

fire season in the valley

  Its been five years since the last big fire season in the Bozeangeles area . I remember because that was when mother goat and I got married, but its likely this year will be another one.

Firefighters battled two wildfires west of Bozeman on Sunday night after dry weather and strong winds kicked flames 100 feet in the air and threatened houses. One fire burned in Madison County northwest of Pony, and another fire burned in Gallatin County near Clarkston, fire officials said.
Winds gusting 30 to 40 mph, high temperatures and low humidity allowed the blaze to spread quickly in heavy timber with flames shooting 100 feet high, Digiovanna said.
Firefighters were concerned the blaze could spread into residential areas of the Mammoth Basin, he said.
“We’re doing everything we can to keep residents aware of the fire,” Digiovanna said. “We want them to know the fire could move that way.”
About 80 to 100 responders were at the scene Sunday night, he said. They came from the Department of Natural Resources, Madison County Sheriff’s Office, U.S. Forest Service, Harrison Fire Department and other nearby agencies.
Near Clarkston, Three Forks Assistant Fire Chief Wendell Ewan said the fire was reported at 3:47 p.m. Sunday. He said firefighters were just getting to the scene around 4 p.m.
Smoke from both fires could be seen filling the sky throughout the Gallatin Valley. Nothing was yet known about the size or cause of the fires.
A third wildfire has been burning near Whitehall since Saturday. Firefighters on Sunday called in additional resources to battle the blaze burning Douglas fir, juniper and grass about 10 miles north of Whitehall in the Bull Mountains.
Officials said about 100 firefighters were battling the Antelope Fire that started about 2:30 p.m. Saturday and has grown to 462 acres in conditions officials describe as dry for this time of year.
Firefighters on Sunday worked to build fire lines along the south flank of the fire but not to the north in the direction it's heading because it's too dangerous. Two helicopters and four fire engines are also helping.
Fire spokeswoman Leona Rodreick of the U.S. Forest Service said the cause of the fire remained under investigation. She said no structures were threatened.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Our Next President

  Yes the election does effect us here in the bozeangeles area. Our economy is still on the rocks and not looking to get better soon. We had hopes that the oil and natgas boom would bring a boost to the economy. But the  promise of   60 a barrel gas is likely to cause a lot of these jobs to be moth balled or closed. Here is a debate on Romney's potential as a president.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bleeding the cow that feeds you

So the city wants to raise property owners taxes again. don't you think the empty houses and retail spaces make them think they need to start bleeding another sector of the population ?
Freeganism is the practice of reclaiming and eating food that has been discarded. One third of the world's food is wasted[1]—in shops, restaurants, farms, factories and homes—and freegans aim to expose and protest against this, arguing that it contributes to environmental degradation, resource wastage and global hunger.
Freeganism is often seen as part of a wider "anti-consumerist" ideology, and freegans often employ a range of alternative living strategies based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources.
Freegans "embrace community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed."[2]
The word "freegan" is a portmanteau of "free" and "vegan";[3] not all dumpster divers are vegan, but the ideology of veganism is inherent in freeganism. Freeganism started in the mid 1990s, out of the antiglobalization and environmentalist movements. The movement also has elements of Diggers, an anarchist street theater group based in Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco in the 1960s, that gave away rescued food.[3]

Monday, June 11, 2012

the kindness of strangers

Officials say a West Virginia man who is hitchhiking across the country and writing a memoir called "The Kindness of America," was injured in a random, drive-by shooting in northeastern Montana.
Valley County Sheriff Glen Meier said 39-year-old Raymond Dolin was sitting on the side of U.S. Highway 2 west of Glasgow waiting for a ride at about 6 p.m. Saturday when a man drove up, shot him and drove off.Dolin flagged down a passer-by and was taken to the hospital in Glasgow.The suspected shooter - 52-year-old Charles Lloyd Danielson III - was arrested in Culbertson, about 100 miles east of Glasgow, about four hours later.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bringing Nature back to the streets

Guerilla gardening is a term used to describe the unauthorized cultivation of plants or crops on vacant public or private land. For some practitioners, Guerilla Gardening is a political statement about land rights or reform[1]; for others, it is primarily an opportunity to beautify and improve neglected, barren or overgrown spaces. Guerilla gardening can be conducted either via secretive night missions or openly in an attempt to engage others in the idea of community improvement

“General” Jeff Page sees missed opportunities when he looks at the sidewalk.
The community activist points to the monotone walls that line the streets of Skid Row, running into the cement sidewalks that blend into asphalt streets.
“You just see this dull freaking grey,” Page said, spreading his hands and shaking his head.
He wants more color, more positive imagery to inspire people who live on the streets. One way to do that is guerrilla gardening, which usually consists of planting some greenery on public land. It’s called “guerrilla” gardening because it’s not actually legal to plant on public land without the city’s consent.
Over the past year, Page and fellow community activist Katherine McNenny have teamed with Southern California guerilla gardener Scott Bunnell to spruce up three plots of land in Skid Row -- but on private property and with the owners’ consent.
Bunnell prefers true guerilla gardening on patches of public land, but those are hard to come by in this part of Downtown.
“It’s disappointing how much is cemented in,” Bunnell said. “When I go up there and drive around looking for spots, there’s not a lot of open land anywhere.”
The first two projects were small plots near the intersection of Boyd and San Pedro streets, and the newest green addition is a plot they transformed on Saturday that belongs to the Volunteers of America building on San Julian Street.
The guerrilla gardening is a part of Operation Face Lift Skid Row an effort to beautify and clean the streets of L.A.’s homeless epicenter. Other projects include painted trashcans and wall murals.
McNenny moved to an apartment on San Pedro Street in 2010 and thought the area could use more greenery, according to her website, On San Pedro Project. While many of the blocks surrounding Skid Row are lined with trees and the shade they bring, the 50-block area is visibly lacking.
She’s planted some trees on San Pedro Street, but McNenny also reached out to Bunnell, who has been guerrilla gardening in Southern California since 2008.
They use plants that Bunnell grows in his backyard, usually succulents like agave and flower-shaped Aoeniums that don't need much maintenance.
A few homeless residents have joined in the gardening process, too, Page said.
The streets of Skid Row are home to a number of out of work landscapers, and some will drop by to help, said Page -- slowly making their streets more like a home.

Friday, June 8, 2012