Sunday, December 3, 2017

Everybody dies but some times they don't leave

The Empty space,

where my departed

loved ones were,

follows me around.

The emptiness

is a heavy weight

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Vengeful Ghosts

Last night I dreamed
The ghosts of Geronimo
and Teddy Roosevelt
hunted El Presidente
Through the halls of La Casa Blanca
to the beat

of a Thousand Drums .

Friday, September 15, 2017

Modern times new gods

Proof of Life

I forgot my password

No one recognizes me

Access denied

I don’t exist


People in the mall

walk around

a teenage girl in the fetal position

crying because

she ran out of minutes

on her cell phone,

her life is over.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Late night Driving home Listening to Indian Radio

  Maybe I'm a wanna be Indian , Or just respect the Rebellion  and survival instincts of the natives  trying to keep their identity alive. But started a new Job that requires me  to drive a while home from work late in the evening. Occasional y if the atmosphere is right I can pick up Indian radio on the a.m band. One of my favorite songs is Indian Car. check out one of many versions

  Raced home cracked a beer and wrote a poem

Last night
Driving across the plains
heading home from work,
the smoke from
distant fires heavy in the air
This song came on the radio.
The beat of the bass
Matched the rumble of the
I think I felt at one
With an Indian Car


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Pretty Smokey out in the world these days

Lots of fires this summer and you can see that by looking at the bridgers

But that does make  for some colorful sunsets

Monday, June 26, 2017

Drinking Horse trail

Great 2 mile round trip hike up Drinking horse mountain. family getting in shape this summer

Sunday, April 30, 2017

A religious moment

Down by the falls

geese shit on the sidewalk

In front of the Church.

Strutting back and forth

Honking and preening

about their perfection

Wading ankle deep

in the excrement

they create.

CH 2017

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Moon Cycles

At one in the morning

I step outside.

The Moon looks bored

So I howl

letting my inner coyote

run free.

Till the neighbors

yell at me to shut up

Monday, March 20, 2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Just passing Through

In The bad Part of Town

Pigeons high on Crystal

commit suicide

diving into traffic

off the over pass.

Rush hour commuters

talking on their Smart phones

never see them.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

forty one degrees outside

The Thaw

The snow out front is melting.

How many curse words

are buried in those mountains

of shoveled snow?

Just waiting waiting to be released

in the thaw to offend the passer by.

CH 17

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Nothing is True , or Alternative Facts

Guerrilla dissidence .

In an age when

speaking the truth

is called a lie

and speaking a lie

is called the truth

we need poets ,

we need writers

and we need painters

to tell the stories

every one else is afraid to tell.

Howl from the roof tops ,

agitate in the bar ,

scribble on the napkins

in the coffee house .

Spread the images on your canvas . 

Do not be silent .

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

No Gin in Siberia

No Gin in Siberia

There is no Gin in Siberia

and in the Camps on the

Mexican border you

will be lucky to get Mezcal.

Maybe  your tent will have a

toad that you can lick its sweat

for its LSD like euphoria.

After working all day on the wall .

but you will share that toad

with Rebels and poets.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Modern horror Story

Modern horror Story

The Clock struck 12
and then
the tweets began

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Missing Fingers 
the Yakuza Papers 
Kanji in blood

glad the Christmas spirt has fled

Christmas Spirit
Plastic Santa blows
down the street,
Jacked up truck
swerves to hit it
Plastic shards skitter
across the snow.